Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Short and Sweet

Time for another blog post! I don't have much to say- but this: Find a Smile. Smiling is one of those things that just feels grand on your face after it not being there for a while- don't you agree? Oh, what'dya know.... I just smiled, and it felt wonderful.

Today has been one of those days for me when you just don't feel well, and you would like nothing more than to just crawl into bed and do nothing. But then... you get bored. So I have just been in a "meh" mood, doing what I can with different things.

In order to get over such a mood, and to try and make myself feel a bit better regardless what my body feels physically, I am going to find one reason to smile. It's a good exercise you know. When you are down, find one thing in your day- no matter how small- that made you smile, or feel that one fleeting moment of contentment.

Today I walked under trees that were full of green, and I walked over grass that was lusciously long and soft. That made me smile. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous.

I love smiles. What was yours?
Find one.

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